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About Us

Provide modern feed factories and various supporting feed machinery production line solutions

About Us

Provide modern feed factories and various supporting feed machinery production line solutions


Changzhou Honghuan Machinery Co.,Ltd is a professional feed machinery supplier, it is located in Changzhou Jiangsu, south part of China.



Trust is the cornerstone
Support is the pillar
The team is soul
Cooperation is the core
Main business

Provide modern feed factories and various supporting feed machinery production line solutions

Honghuan company is dedicated to modern feed mills and various supporting feed machinery, accessories, electronic control equipment, steel structure design and production. As a new show in the feed machinery industry, Honghuan has a technical elite having a production, complete set of engineering design and complete sets of feed mechanical equipment, plus advanced inspection facilities, perfect warranty system and strict management system. The company has received a general accreditation of customers in the market.

Our organization

Honghuan and its leaders always adhere to the values of trust, respect and sustainable development.


Integrity is cast, the brand, the service weaving the future

The company has established good partners in China, but also established good partnerships with Singapore, Belgium, Vietnam, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Iran, Australia, Africa and other countries and regions. It has a vast development prospect.

Technical team

High degree, high-quality, energetic team

As a new show in the feed machinery industry, Honghuan has a technical elite having a production, complete set of engineering design and complete sets of feed mechanical equipment, plus advanced inspection facilities, perfect warranty system and strict management system. The company has received a general accreditation of customers in the market.


Look for business opportunities and gain insights, tools and resources to expand your business

Looking for business opportunities and get insights, tools and resources to expand your business.

Customer visit

Welcome foreign customers to visit our company

As a new show in the feed machinery industry, Hongxiao has a technical elite having a production, complete set of engineering design and complete sets of feed mechanical equipment, plus advanced inspection facilities, perfect warranty system and strict management system. The company has received a general accreditation of customers in the market.

Technical Training

To ensure users can effectively operate the equipment products purchased using and maintenance maintenance

The company has established good partners in China, but also established good partnerships with Singapore, Belgium, Vietnam, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Iran, Australia, Africa and other countries and regions. It has a vast development prospect.

Finished product display

Modern feed factory and various supporting feed machinery, accessories, electric control equipment, steel structure design and production

As a rising star in the feed machinery industry, honghuan company has a technical elite who has been engaged in the production of feed machinery and equipment, complete engineering design and complete engineering installation for many years. Coupled with advanced inspection facilities, perfect quality assurance system and strict management system, the company has been fully accepted by the market and widely praised by customers. Design and production of machinery, accessories, electric control equipment and steel structure

Sophisticated equipment

Have a group of high-end import processing equipment

All the colleagues in the "integrity cast, the brand, the service weaving the future", in the development of domestic and foreign markets, "I am user" and "keep the continuous improvement of customers" to survive, seek development.

What help do you need?

TEL: 86-519-87986868 15861119298

EMAIL: feedmachinery@hong-huan.com

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