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XYGZ Series Circulation Dryer

XYGZ Series Circulation Dryer

views: 1913

Main Feature

The main results are as follows: 1. the six-layer horizontal conveyor belt ensures that the material can be fully evenly and thoroughly dried and the crushing rate can be reduced obviously. 

2. The closed swing arm type cloth range is adjustable, the power consumption is small, and the steam overflow is prevented at the same time. 

3. Plug-in fan and built-in heat exchanger are easy to install and occupy compact space. 

4. The drying circulation air duct composed of the outer door and the inner door, the position of the inlet and outlet can be easily combined according to the need. 

5. The drying time and air volume of the material in the machine can be controlled according to the needs of customers. 

6. A maintenance door is set up on the front of the equipment to facilitate daily maintenance and maintenance.


Model of dryerHG4X7-6HG4X9-6HG4X11-6HG4X12-6HG4X13-6
Number of dryparts468710
Number of conveyor belt66666
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