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HHKLN Series Plate Turning Cooler

HHKLN Series Plate Turning Cooler

views: 2034

Main Feature

The main results are as follows: 1. The countercurrent cooling principle is used to cool the particles with high temperature and high humidity, which avoids the sudden cooling phenomenon caused by the direct contact between the cold air and the hot material, so it can prevent the particles from cracking on the surface. at the same time, due to the use of air closure, and the air intake area is large, so the cooling effect is remarkable. 

2. Special layout mode, no residual phenomenon. 

3. Low energy consumption and easy operation. 

4. The temperature of the finished product after cooling is not higher than the room temperature + 3 ℃ ~ 5 ℃. 

5. it is mainly used for the cooling of particles and expanded and expanded materials. 

6. Steam control, no power is needed for discharge. 

7. B8 and above are equipped with rotary feeder.


Technical Parameter


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