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Double Shaft Differential Speed Conditioner

Double Shaft Differential Speed Conditioner

views: 2344

Main Features:

1.The contact parts of the material in the conditioner are made of stainless steel, which is durable.
2.There are many steam and liquid feed additives inlets in the full length direction of the conditioner, so that 
the material can be fully conditioned. Each inlet can be closed independently through a ball valve to control 
the steam volume.
3.The conditioner adopts two-axis differential speed conditioning and gear transmission mode, which not only
makes feed conditioning more ideal, but also makes equipment more compact and higher transmission efficiency.
4.Frequency conversion can be used to adjust the residence time of materials in the conditioner to meet 
different conditioning requirements.
5.The conditioner adopts a fixed structure of large open door and quick pull handle, which is convenient for 
operation and maintenance.
6.The blade angle can be adjusted arbitrarily to ensure adequate conditioning.

Technical Parameter:

Model HHDDC40/32 HHDDC50/40 HHDDC60/45
Power(kw) 7.5 11/15 30/37
Capacity(t/h) 8-10 10-15 15-25


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