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Hammer Mill & Pulverizer

Hammer Mill & Pulverizer
SWFL Series Vertical Pulverizer

SWFL Series Vertical Pulverizer

views: 1958

Main Feature
        1.The vertical shaft has no sieve crushing structure, which makes material crushing, crushing, air separation and so on in the same closed space, saves energy consumption, and increases productivity by 30-50% compared with similar equipment.
        2.The grinding fineness is continuously adjustable from 60 to 200 meshes, the grinding material has low temperature rise and uniform particle size.
        3.The crushing disc and the grading impeller are driven separately, and the material is classified by air flow.
        4.Patent-oriented toothed hammer head and patented shearing ring can enhance shearing and rubbing force, break circulation layer and improve crushing efficiency.
        5.Patented inlaid alloy wear-resistant plate can reasonably arrange the alloy position and prolong the service life of the spare parts.
        6.Patented air-selected gravity slag removal mechanism, specially designed feed arch breaker, 100% impurity removal;
        7.Hydraulic opening device, easy to open the upper cover, and easy for inspection and maintenance.
Technical Parameter
Rotor Dia(mm)1100130015001700

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