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Extruding series

Extruding series
XYPH Series Twin Screw Steam Aquatic Extruder

XYPH Series Twin Screw Steam Aquatic Extruder

views: 1938

Main Feature

1.High life gear box; wear-resistant alloy screw bushing: screw life > 22000 tons, bushing life > 50000 tons, free quality guarantee of gear box 30000 hours; integral forging expansion cavity, no leakage deformation; expansion cavity double-layer jacket, heating or cooling.
2.High-precision gears, imported high-quality bearings, oil seals, advanced gear box design and processing technology control technology. Equipped with torque limiter to ensure smooth, safe and reliable transmission.
3.Complete meshing and zero clearance twin screw mechanism can effectively control the shear force and ensure that the maturation time of all materials in the extruding chamber is consistent with the expansion coefficient of particles.
4.New wear-resistant alloy screw and bimetal expansion chamber sleeve can effectively reduce wear and ensure long-term stable operation of equipment under high productivity and high quality conditions.
5.Effective distribution of reasonable shear force in different areas of extrusion chamber can effectively increase output on the premise of ensuring high quality.
6.Turbulent discharge device makes the extruded material more beautiful, and the output of small hole diameter die increases by 30% - 40%. The material shape is uniform and stable.
7.The automatic control system simplifies the operation and reduces the labor intensity. All data are recorded and the effect of operators on the quality of extruded products is minimized. Advanced European control components ensure the stability of the control system.

Technical Parameter

Model Main Power(kw) Feeding Power(kw) Uniaxial Conditioning Power(kw) Biaxial differential Conditioning Power(kw) Capacity (t/h)
PHS95*2 160 2.2 4 11 2-4
XYPH120*2 250 2.2 5.5 18.5 5-7
PHS150*2 355 2.2 5.5 18.5 8-12
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