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Extruding series

Extruding series
XYPH Series Single Screw Steam Aquatic Extruder

XYPH Series Single Screw Steam Aquatic Extruder

views: 1889

Main Feature

1.The production capacity of the extruder does not decrease with the prolongation of service time. The service life of the vulnerable parts is increased by 2-3 times with the new material, and the service life of the screw can reach 8000-10000 tons.
2.Equipped with steady-state mixed shear screw, non-rapid expansion process, the extrudate particle surface is smooth, the shape is uniform and beautiful;
3.The production capacity of extruder is as high as 5t/h for producing φ3.0mm tilapia feed.
4.Flexible combination cavity and combination single screw feeding can provide better combination scheme for producing various materials, quickly change the structure, and facilitate the production of various floats, sunken materials, pet food, whole-fat soybean and other products.
5.Effective use of energy, reduce energy consumption, reduce processing costs.

Technical Parameter

Model Main Power(kw) Feeding Power(kw) Uniaxial Conditioning Power(kw) Biaxial differential Conditioning Power(kw) Capacity(t/h)
PHD135 90 1.5 4 11 1-3
PHD165 160 2.2 4 11 3-6


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